October 23, 2003


XDDDDDDDD I'm feeling really hyper now, and my typing speed has reached 1,473,655,413,625,365 words per minute XDDDDDD w00t Tomorrow be a holiday...me wanna go to Kino. XDD To raid manga! w00t w00t Also to check out if there's any chance I can get those 'How to draw manga' books. Mwee...I've been hoping for those for a loooooong time. Blargh.

Updated mai site again. Check out [Writing on the Wall], for Fly-Away Fish and March of the G-boys (and some mauling of smokers). XDD The second is very odd, so expect to fall over frothing at the mouth. XDD Updated quotes too, so go see the things people say. XDDD

New emoticons! ~~~~(m--)m Yuurei! Or ghost in Jap XDD
o~* Bomb XDD *boom!*
LOL. *amusion*

CHIHUAHUA! *dun dun dun dun* CHIHUAHUA! *dun dun dun dun* CHIHUAHUA! *dun dun dun dun*CHIHUAHUA!...XDD Love the advert. I've turn into an AF sheep saying CHIHUAHUA! It's catchier than "Four legs good, two legs bad!"

Which reminds me. I'll try to do "Sushi of England" in [writing]. XDD Based on Beasts of England (surprise, surprise!) XDDDDDDD I got really amused doing that. Again, Qian (as Icarus) and I did the demented song-thing.

Nyaa...I'll try to put mood emoticons on the blog from now on ^_^
So there. Gotta go soon. Ja!


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