"...I shall now proceed to make you -very- envious. I just got a...wait for it...*drumroll*...NEW TABLET!! XDDD You may now start ranting. *not*"
^_^ Yup yup, I just used it on Saturday for the first time (and did quite a few random pics of an oddly distorted Fubar...O.o;;) It works waaaaaaaaay better than the mouse. XDD Not to say of course that the mouse was bad...just stubborn XDD And again: It's a really nice silver colour, and really flat...^_^
Yays~ I got Yami no Matsuei! XDD The manga I mean. Mai current collection spans books 1~11, excluding 6, 7 and 10. I also have the character book :D I can't start on book 8 yet tho...it's a continuation from the earlier books...O.o;; But I've flipped thru it already, and I can say it's way worse than the other books in terms of blood, gore and Muraki's sadism. Which reminds me...apparently the Devil's Trill (Akuma no Toriru) is from a piece for violin which Hijiri plays for a contest...I'll see if I can find it. Never mind...I already have. Apparently the piece mentioned in the manga was the Adagio bit. *checks ou the MIDI* Hmm...I suppose it depends on whether there even is an Adagio bit...O.o;; Listen to it here:
Devil's Trill Sonata, by G. Tartini, and according to the book, he composed it because of a dream. It sounds like a song that can be used in some part of a Castlevania game. O.o;; I'm currently at Allegro. Larghetto is nice. O.o...thought it might have been spookier.
Ah...gomen...disconnected again.
Grave-Allegro assai is sorta spookier...more of the "devil's trill". Literally...there are lots of trills in this one. Heh...I think it's one of mai fave :D the softer violin trills sound like fly wings...*shudder* Maybe I'll look up on the history of the Devil's Trill to find out more...
Yes...I've found it...it was from a dream, where Tartini (who is a violinist by the way) made a contract with the devil (parallels here...Kazusa's father made a contract with the devil too, in exchange for fame and money...and the object of the devil was his daughter. Kazusa's father was a violinist too...) lol...so Tartini let the devil play a song on his violin in this dream, and apparently the song he played was sooooo harmonious that it woke him up from his dream (O.o;;) and he grabbed his violin to see if he could play the song again (which he failed to, duh or we wouldn't have the Devil's Trill O.o See here: http://home.earthlink.net/~theviolinist/tartinipaper.htm) Even though he failed, the song he composed was his best of all he had ever done. Spooky, once you think of it...I remember having dreams after which I tried to draw whatever I dreamt of (character designs, see...) and failed miserably after that. O.o Including one with a phoenix with intricate designs on its feathers O.o
Augh. Darned modem...
Anyways, about Choral Nite...right before Chinese performance I was competing with the sound system, cuz lao shi said mai voice wasn't loud enuff. XDD Qian was sitting in a corner (and making it a point, I think, to ignore me. -_-;; Yeesh. And hardly anyone except for Faris, Zhi Hui, Kai, HL, Weixin, Cammy, Jing and Maria actually talked to me that night, and only in little snippets. Felt really hungry and lonely at the same time. Baka people. -_-;;) Ah well. At least I got the tabby after that. Oh, and the green tea...^_^ The marshmellows and fishballs too were really goooood. XDDDD
deviantART is not being too nice to me...I've been waiting eons for the email to arrive...O.o;;
Hate.the.modem. Chotto matte kudasai...
Y'know what...this blog post is more than one Microsoft word page long. XDD Font size 12. Much more than I can do for a Lit essay...O.o;; Awp. I think I over-ranted on the Devil's Trill...love the moo-sic. *goes to download it*
Heh...I think this is a little too long...I'll finish off with a couple of tests. XD
You're Saya Toorii!
Saya is 15 years old Shinigami-girl. She works in
the 9th block along with her coo-worker Yuma.
They are best friends, and both like to grope
(^^;) people, expecially good-looking boys.
Which Yami no Matsuei girl are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
And no, I don't grope boys. -_-;; Hisoka is specifically referred to here. O.o;; Oddness.
What is your Digimon opening song?
brought to you by Quizilla
*grins* This -is- a nice song. XDD
LOL Yeah. Done with it now...so...ja mata, minna-san ^_____^
ShikuroNEKU is currently thinking (so I do have a brain after all. XD) ._.;; Hmmm...
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