'Kays, there is absolutely -no- reason for the drumroll O.o;; Except for the fact that...I dunno really O.o;;
People...go.visit.my.deviantART.account. Or else...*holds up mean looking dragon that appeared on my site in the adopted adoptions description* Dragon: *growls evilly* Me: I'll sic 'em on yooooooou if you don't comment. XDD *fireball sizzles all reading the blog* I -am- a dragon too. *fireballs again*
Whee. After class already. XDD Found a fellow RO-er on deviantART who's got -great- art. XDDD Kakkoi! Go see...
It's RO! How cool can you get? XDD Personally I think there's too much detail for me to draw...
btw, before I forget, since no one at the moment has emailed me about kiriban, I guess Ic-chan can claim it. XDD Provided of course sh-- I mean, he has saved the counter or taken a screencap of it :D Email it to me, preferably to mai LMS account. XDD With the request of course. Or you could try for 123, if it hasn't gone over the number yet. XD Don't forget to take over the worlds' uni-bangs. My bro has an RO chara with a uni-bang XDD Name of Third Master. You can eat his uni-bang if you like XDD That'll attract more attention.
XDD The last time my bro and I played RO, we were randomly typing crap into the message bar. XDD I remember:
1st attempt: I'M SCHIZO
(brother pressed enter already)
2nd attempt: I'M SCHIZOPHRENIC
(brother pressed enter before I could put in the exclaimation marks)(still managed to get message out anywas XD)
Haha. Someone said something like:
"are you mad"
XDD LOL Yeah. Kaboing. XDD Wah...me dunno anyone else who plays RO...
Haha. I've just submitted a profile pic to the deviantART thing...XD Something I did on Paint, in mai dragon-self. XD We all know I also appear in Black Alpha and ShiroiChocobo form. XD Black Alpha is a black wolf XD ShiroiChocobo...kinda explains itself, doesn't it? XDD
Heh...here's another devious pic, it's related to both Yami no Matsuei and Gundam Wing. See why:
*snicker* I dread to know. Muraki is Relena, Tsuzuki is Heero(?), and Hisoka is Duo(??). XDD Oddness...actually it's more like Tsuzuki is Duo and Hisoka is Heero. NOT related to shonen ai etc.
Augh. Baka timing. Have to go now. Yeeeeeeeeeesh. *sigh* Anyways, sayonara minna-san. Mata Monday ^_^
ShikuroNEKU is currently rushing >_<;;;
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