Fundraising for choral nite yesterday was odd...I'm such a sucker...y'know what...some ppl from another class persuaded me to buy another lollipop when they did not have enough change (and I was too lazy to take out more O.o;;) when I only wanted 2. XD First one was for myself, sell to Qian (don't ask why, I'm oddness O.o), and another class sold me a packet of cookies...cuz they went on about fundraising for the needy (I'm too soft O.o)(-_-;; Not physically, bakas!) lol. The 1/11 people were busy trying to get Qian to wear/buy a paper flower ("Don't have girlfriend meh? So shuai!"). XD I remember them trying to bug her into getting one, and when they reached the odd topic of Qian's girlfriend (in case you didn't know already, she DOESN'T have one. Baka atamas, all of you...) Euge was like, randomly pointing to 'Nut and I (cuz we were talking, see.) and I was all,"Huh? O.o" Oh, and I discovered somebody who apparently looks like me...'Nut was all,"They look the same! XDDDDD" Once again, O.o .
Farm visit tomorrow...*amusion* I'm still wondering why there are firefly farms. Gotta find out tomorrow XDD Maybe it's for those poor scholars who cannot afford lights. Y'know what...put fireflies into a translucent/transparent kind of bag and study by night. How nice.
Yays! Finally got mai first Yami no Matsuei manga! ^_^ *pokes the Gushoshin* I never noticed they hadhands and not wings. XD I'll be waiting for the chance to get book 2. XD Watari and 003 (an owl O.o) are prolly inside. XDDD There's a pretty neat amount of blood inside, tho the disappearance of the Shinigamis' wounds are only explained by one of their special Shinigamic powers. XD Regeneration! *prods Muraki* Sadistic person... btw, I haven't seen the name of Muraki's Shikigami's Ouryuu, by the way. Tsuzuki's blue dragon Shikigami is called Souryuu. Close enough. In the first book, he summons Suzaku (Red Phoenix/Sparrow) to deal with Ouryuu. Y'know what...I think I'll restart the comp first, then try a Yami no Matsuei test. I bet I'll get Tsuzuki. XD
-- Restarting the comp --
Yup. I'm back again. Checked DeviantART...I'm hoping registrations will be up again soon. ><;;
Okie, here are the tests I've promised you lot...
You will be killed randomly.
Yami no Matsuei: What way would Muraki murder you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Okay, fine! *twaps self* Get serious O.o;;
Tsuzuki Asato
Which Yami no Matsuei Character Are You?
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^_^ As I said. XDD *speculates*Qian will prolly get Muraki. Or Hisoka...or Tsuzuki IF she's not feeling okay. O.o;; Oddness. Maybe Watari.
You are Kurosaki Hisoka! You are a kind and an
intelligent person but you usually show your
back at people. People tend to think you are a
cold person but in reality you are dying for
love. You should open up yourself and be happy.
Yami no Matsuei Personality Quiz ( The Dark Descendant )
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...O.o;; I think it's the last few questions or summat. Pic's a little big. *tweaks it* *after -trying- to tweak it* O.o ...I give up. *twaps Hisoka*
K'so! Darn internet connection...I'll restart again, chotto matte kudasai...
unknown: You stay to yourself. You are quiet, but
when you choose to, you show a great talent. It
doesn't matter what it is, but you have it.
Most of all, you are the most powerful of
what color are youre wings?*~*S
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What color are you? (Anime Pictures)
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Haha. Last time I got orange. XD
What's Your Outlook on Life?
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^_^ Darn lot of tests I’m taking today, huh? XDDD
Whee. *pokes everyone* Me wanna do stuff now (bug people? XDD) So there. Ja mata, minna-san! ^_^
ShikuroNEKU is currently the quiet chocoholic ///_^
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