'Kays, this is for Ic-kun (I shall call her Ic-kun so as to...uhhhh...give her some face? O.o) and other Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town gamers:
1. Grow cucumbers in Spring...and make sure your rucksack is upgraded to the largest. Store 8 cucumbers in your bag, hold one, and bring it to the lake with the mine in it. Take the path to the mountain's peak. There is a lake there.
2. If you like, cast your fishing line in there...a kappa will appear, and spin off like a Beyblade. (O.o) Fling a cucumber in there. (Kappa love cucumbers)
3. Before I forget, make sure you have a minimum of 2 8-patches of cucumbers...and one part of the crop must bear cucumbers later than the other(s). No reason for the extras...actually you only need 10 cucumbers, but since you can ship 'em off, ship 'em.
4. Fling a cucumber per day into the same lake. After about 10 days (and about 10 cucumbers) the kappa will give you a power berry. (I think it's a power berry).
5. Simple innit? XDD
Here's some tips:
1. In Spring, grow cucumbers for the kappa (can be done only once, in any season)
2. In summer, grow corn for chickens
3. In Fall, grow sweet potatoes (I got MONEY!! XDDDD)
4. In winter, visit the winter mine in the kappa lake thing and get gemstones. At the 9th level (I suppose it's 9th...I did it only once, so I don't know if it's random) underground which can be reached by digging with your hoe, there is a pond...try fishing in it, if you're not dead tired. I suggest upgrading your fishing pole first. The music is winter music in the underground lake area, if you want to know...but it's distorted. And the fish get off the hook real fast. I suggest buying medicine first, or storing black grasses and eating them when you need them. Get them by digging.
The girls:
Likes: Diamond, Necklace
Neutral: Most other gemstones
Dislikes: Corn (I think)
Likes: Corn, Broach, Pink Cat Flowers
Neutral: Most other gemstones
Dislikes: Honey
I think that's all I know about the girls. XD Names of my animals:
Cow: Kazusa ( I actually wanted to name it Kusa-something, but Kazusa kept popping up in my mind... XD Kazusa is in Yami no Matsuei, Devil's Trill by the way. XD)
Sheep: Dolly (Cloning XD)
Suzaku (O.o)
Pecopeco (the name of a monster in Ragnarok Online XDDD Yes...RO has taken over my life...)
Gusho-chan (I think I've been eaten up by Yami no Matsuei...)
[I forgot...]
lol...on Ic-kun's hoeing of the chickens...that's cruel O.o;;;;;;
To take cows, sheep and the horse out, you need to shove them out...goodness knows what the game creators were thinking...as a result, I lost my horse...baka Barley (alliteration! XD) took 'im back...
Chickens are cute. XD I made a kind of chicken pen for them. XDDD They get happier if you put them out, y'know. btw, it's impossible to move cows and sheep that have fallen asleep against the wall after 9:00pm...
9:00pm is synchronised sleeping time. XD All the animals fall asleep at exactly 9.
Buy a basket if you harvest lots at once...it's easier to harvest that way. Just pick it up and put it down again. XD To empty it, talk to the bin while holding the basket. XD
I've seen my dog chase away a stray before XDDDD like those chicken festival things. XDDDD except you can't control the dog. When you save the game and press the B button, that's the stray dog whining. XD
Hey...I still have like 500+ bushels of chicken feed even after 1 year XDD That's why you should plant corn. XD
Methinks I've gone on too much about HM. XDD
You are Gascogne,
Always with a smile and says it like it is. You
can be counted on to lend a hand and give hell
Which VanDread Character Are You
brought to you by Quizilla
XDD *amusion* Gascogne is my fave Vandread chara besides Meia...XDD The test didn't say anything about sarcasm tho. I'm pretty sarcastic at times. XD
Haha...btw, I think I lost 4kg...an achievement O.o;;; the pouch I always carry is getting looser. O.o But I won't deathglomp 'cuz people'd suffocate...O_o
Heh...W_A_K_E_D is having an art competition. XD for their charas. I'll try to enter tomorrow. XD Secret weapon: Trouble Tamer icons! XDDD
It's a little difficult to read, but...yeah. XDD I'm looking forward to the priz--*gets hit by a flowerpot*
*bleeds from head*
*gets up* O.o Odd, yeah...
Anime/manga/game charas with unibangs XDDD
1. Trowa (obviously)
2. Muraki (Ahhhhh!! Run fer your lives!!)
3. Quatre's dad
4. Noin (They must all be related...)
5. Kyo (From King of Fighters...)
6. Your player in Harvest Moon (that hardly counts -_-)
Kinda pointless huh...
Created charas with unibangs:
1. Nanashi (by Nanashi X3 Who is a fan of Tro-chan)
2. Walamon (by j.c. XD Who is holding the contest at W_A_K_E_D)
3. Quatromon (by me XDDDD Who is DEMENTED! XD)
Whee...btw, Ic-kun...o_o you have a choice of whether to read the comments on the last post or not. Just don't get a heart attack, ok? O.o;; Unless you've read it already. It's an odd convo between me and Kai...
Haha...Kai, you don't have anything to blackmail me with now! XD
*grins* Today was the second time I ever ate venison...XD It's nice! XD Did you know hoo-mans are red meat? XD And so are gorillas and ostriches. XD I won't ever touch gorilla. I hate monkeys. *draconic roar*
Yuppy...I think I really -should- work now. O.o;;;;;;;;; Ja ne, minna-sama!
ShikuroNEKU is currently waiting for Ic-kun to spend some time off HM to comment or something O_o;;