X3 I got a cjb.net address! So when you visit, expect like, a few popups...but at least they're popups and not banners. Banners are horrible. lol. It's not up yet, but you can have the address already:
AND, any message sent to an email address ending in @fallen-phoenix.cjb.net will be sent to my mail account :D So fun.
Ahhhh...the modem didn't work until I rebooted the whole thing once, and restarted it like, twice...it gets fussier by the day, I tell you. It actually worked once at top speed with a microfilter...then it wouldn't work with it...then the speed dropped from 3.4mbps to 2.8mbps. I hate it, really.
I figured how to work FTP...:D
Oh yeah, I watched the 6.30pm news and guess what! X3 I saw Claire and Wu Dani(is that how it's spelt? O.o;;) and...the back of my head in the hall. *gets hit by a flowerpot* Ah ha...Ic-chan wasn't there...pity...really shuai today ne, Ic-chan♥ =^_^=♥
Oh no you didn't see that heart...you -didn't-*growls*...RIGHT?!...*toasts you*
^^;;; Hehheh.
Sigh. I'm really off my agenda today...Have to hurry with FTP, CSS, HTML, ASP, CGI, etc.etc.
Just as a test...
f a l l e n p h o e n i x
Will that be good for a site name? O.o;;; Figured the last one sounded really lame after some time...give me your opinion, ok? XD
Anyways, I gotta do work...on my webby I mean...therefore, ja mata minna! X3
ShikuroNEKU is currently on speed overload X___________X;;;
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