Spent a long time playing with the jian yesterday afternoon X_x Now my arm is all like, cramped. It was worse this morning I think...had difficulty even trying to move my arm to scratch my back. I'm amazed...it's actually worse than the time Ic punched my arm really hard (it cramped for 3 days) O.o;;
Got a little bug recently and started playing Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 (Tara's adventure) again. Now I'm trying to get Lamia, one of the secret ? types. It's like, so CUTE!! Another secret is Dimensaur...that's the strongest monster in the game. But nearly impossible to get...it depends a lot on your luck. I wanna try without sharking the monsters. Sharked Dimensaurs stop growing at level 9, meaning you cannot breed them to make them even more powerful. That's all I know...gotta search for more.
Bought RO: War of Emperium because I couldn't wait for Ic-chan any longer X_x Besides, it's got a nice box. Yay. About the installation problem...I dunno yet, but have you
1. uninstalled the previous version? (and let up some free space)
2. Got the instructions mixed up?
3. Got the correct settings & hardware? (I think this shouldn't be a problem)
Otherwise, I wouldn't know. Yeah.
Trying to get the WebSameGame to work for me...but I dunno CGI at all O.o;;; I did stuff exactly as the instructions said...but it's doesn't work. Hmmm. Maybe I'll ask someone to help...someone who's got this thing working before (i.e. a Japanese person 'cuz...I don't know of anyone else who has got it working who isn't Japanese o_o )(I'LL BE THE FIRST!! Gyahaha!! *gets hit by a flowerpot*)
Heh...I forgot what I was gonna do now...never mind. I've crapped quite enough...ja mata minna :D
ShikuroNEKU's mood: calm