Being very occupied with my digital cam(I call it...digicam :3)(see my scraps! :3), I absent-mindedly placed two charged batteries into my waist pouch. In the pocket closest to my shirt. I use that pocket for storing coins.
So later when I went out, I found my pouch hot, positively burning hot, so in a frantic search throughout my pouch's main pocket I found my mp3 player, GBA, digicam, GB cartridges, handphone and everything else intact and cool. I couldn't figure out what went wrong there, so logically I looked at the entire bunch of metal keychain-things I hung onto a zip on the pouch but those things were fine. Then I reached into that pocket and...
Short circuit. One of the fully charged batteries was found burning, and I couldn't take it out immediately. I managed to get it out later though.
Much later, during dinnertime, I decided to inspect the effect of a short-circuit involving a battery and coins in one's pouch and discovered that...
...there was a brown burn mark on the inside of the pocket.
If I hadn't noticed or cared it might have burned through and damaged a lot of stuff in the pouch. Or even worse it could have burned me.
This is just one of the many examples of the dangers of short-circuitry I suppose
And in the process you have gained knowledge of what junk I keep in my pouch. >.>;; Just for the fun of it, I keep a lot of American coins in my pouch pocket...even though I don't really have much use for them...XD
Went to the Planet Games exhibition last last Friday, as mentioned before...
Played MushiKing, and guess what...
I GOT A SUPER ULTRA EXTREMELY RARE *BOSS* HOLO CARD X3333333 Some Grandis thing or something...Grand something beetle or whatsit.
As of now...I'm doing homework...supposed to at least. All the teachers thought we had extra time to do homework on Hari Raya holiday... All of them gave extra homework which is why I woke up at 7am and on the computer at such an hour. And sacrificed the time I should have spent last night playing FMA Dream Carnival (Roy Mustang is fun to use) on the PS2 and watching my bro play Star Ocean (Till the End of Time).
Trust me, I wouldn't have done that last year. Last year I would have just dumped it aside and hoped the teachers wouldn't chase after me.
I've already asked Mrs. Ting for an extension for English (ERP) and E.Lit (pure) though if I finish it by today I can hand it in tomorrow.
That's about it I guess...back to homework and all...ja mata...
ShikuroNEKU's mood: