Heh...don't know what's got into me lately...just a few minutes ago, out of what I called boredom, I signed up for a LiveJournal and a Diaryland (wish it were less spastic) account. Looked through it...here's the pros and cons...
Can upload pics
Can choose different languages in which to display your blog/journal
Messaging system
Can have friends list
Current Mood icon selection w/ available styles
Current Music
Upload only 3 pics
Language selection is only partial - Japanese only covered 70% of the pages. Still too easy to read for English-oriented people.
Cannot edit page html directly unless you have a paid account
Blog designs aren't as good as Blogger's
Don't get a subdomain - http://www.livejournal.com/~yourusername
Free email address forwarding - yourusername@diaryland.com and/or [anything here]@yourusername.diaryland.com
Can edit html directly
No ads
Design of site is really kid-ish - diaryland.com sounds like something you don't want to brag about
Designs are positively horrible - all repetitions of the same style except for 1 of them.
Cannot upload pics with free account
iframes are too tiny to look at properly - difficult to edit html code etc. Unlike Blogger.
Come to think of it, Blogger's already a really good blog host...the ads are annoying, but not really. LiveJournal takes forever to tweak the layout into shape. Diaryland.com sounds very uninteresting. Layouts aren't as good as Blogger. So if you've been complaining about your Blogger blog being so irritating, try these 2 and you'll appreciate your blog more.
Tomorrow's V-day. Wishing all of you a Happy Valentine's Day~ (you too Icarus-chan if you're still reading this... ._.) I feel so loved for this year's Valentine's...I actually received little gifts from others, I feel so guilty for not returning something o_O Specifically, I got a little note-thing from Tragic-chan (I'm sure you know who...) and the little blue transparent bead(that looks like a damage counter in Pokemon TCG) with my name on it :D People are so nice...
This blog is so empty right now...I dunno, but I have the feeling that Ic-chan isn't gonna post here or something, probably not like, forever, but maybe for a really long time...then I'll be posting for no one to read, and it'll be pointless talking to myself, and this blog might die out when even I lose interest in it...so until I can confirm that Icarus still visits, I won't be posting on the taggie-board...to preserve the comments that were left there...
Look, I really don't wanna lose another friend...I lost one in Maggie already, which lasted since Pri 3/4 when we split up to go to different GEP centres, and we still remembered even in Sec 1...then...it just disappeared in a matter of days. Friendships may take one year to build, but may take only one minute to break. I hate losing friends. I don't like being alone...like in Tao Nan...Pri 5...I remember this thought I had at home...I told myself that I would try not to cry, even for just one day...now that I think of it, did I ever cry everyday? When I had hardly anyone, any friend who would stay by me, someone I could talk to regularly...and with people who talked behind my back, not even afraid to show that they were doing so, it's like, not really surprising that I think Pri 5 was the worst school year I had...but of course there are the other little things...like Vivie, who did become one of my close friends that year.
As I say this, I find it's so unlike me...I've hardly ever shown a sad face in school since last year...Ic-chan, TELL ME YOU'RE STILL ALIVE. *jabs*
I find myself deviating from the topic far too often. Mmm...let's see...here's some of the more interesting sites from the IT symposium held last Saturday in ACS...note that they're all done by students.
That's all...I've been blogging for a really long time now. Ja mata.
ShikuroNEKU's mood: